6.2.2 National Strategy for Natural History Collections (2025–2035)
The first version of the National Strategy for Natural History Collections, based on a questionnaire
that was sent to collection-holding institutions, was drafted by a sub-group of the Board of Experts.
This document lists several strategic priorities such as standardized management practices,
databasing and digitisation of specimens, unifying digital specimen data, giving physical and virtual
access to biological and geological specimens, increasing the scientific use of natural history
collections, enhancing the collections, developing training, education and societal impact,
fostering collaborations, supporting networking between institutions, consolidating and managing
funding and strengthening international connectivity.
This first version will be discussed and developed in close collaboration with the collection-holding
institutions and other stakeholders, such as representatives from research institutions,
representatives of higher education as well as representatives of science funding bodies. Several
workshops will be run in order to refine the strategy, before being reviewed and commented by
the Swiss natural history institutions.
The goal is to have a final document by 2024, ready for endorsement by the participating
institutions and for the first steps of its implementation.
6.2.3 Survey on natural history collections
A priority of SwissCollNet is to make visible the diversity, the quality and the importance of the
natural history collections of Switzerland. In order to get more detailed information about each
collection, the survey on natural history collections in Switzerland carried out in 2018 will be
updated in partnership with GBIF.ch. It will follow the structure of the Registry of Scientific
Collections run by GBIF (GrSCiColl), connected with Index Herbariorum, and will allow each
institution to connect their collection data with their institution record in the registry, thus following
international identifiers, indicators and standards. All collection-holding institutions will be warmly
encouraged to participate, and all collections benefitting from SwissCollNet funds will be asked to
be registered on GrSciColl.
The public availability of the survey results will provide a detailed picture of the Swiss collection
landscape, give it an international visibility, strengthen the national network of collection-holding
institutions and facilitate the future orientations of SwissCollNet.
6.2.4 SVNHC
A centralized virtual infrastructure for sharing and accessing specimen data and images of the Swiss
natural history collections, referred to as the Swiss Virtual Natural History Collection (SVNHC), is a
priority goal of SwissCollNet for 2024. Several technical solutions are possible and will be explored
within the community, to ensure its adequacy and sustainability after 2024.
The Swiss landscape of the natural history collections is very heterogeneous, with respect to the
number of collection-holding institutions, the size of their collections and their degree of
digitisation (databasing as well as imaging of specimens). In a first step (preproject), the current
situation and the requirements of the institutions have to be evaluated in parallel with the technical
solutions best adapted for the SVNHC (usability, costs, collaboration and coordination with similar
data repositories, sustainability model). Solutions for data standards and normalisation, minimal
core requirements for data transfer as well as interoperability with other data repositories will be
sought with the existing European or international organisations. The outcome of these analyses
will constitute the reference for the development of the SVNHC.
6.2.5 Modernisation and digitisation of the Swiss natural history collections
To ensure the long-term preservation of natural history collections held in Switzerland, they should
be curated to the best possible standards and stored in adequate conditions, as outlined in the
“Handbook on natural history collections management – a collaborative Swiss perspective” (Frick &
Greeff, 2021). With the compilation of the handbook, knowledge and collected experiences are
illustrated and allow for the development and coordination on a national scale of management